
10 of the Best Songs for Learning English

More videos on YouTube · 7. Shallow by Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper · 8. New Rules by Dua Lipa · 9. Love Yourself by Justin Bieber. For ...

The power of music

A step-by-step guide to learning English with songs · 1. Choose a song that's in English · 2. Listen to the song · 3. Read the lyrics · 4. Notice pronunciation.


Discover a new and fun way to learn English and other languages by filling in the lyrics of your favorite songs.

Learn English through songs

Songs are a great source of 'real-life' language and you can use music to practise lots of different language skills.

Learn Languages with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke!

Enjoy learning languages for free playing with the music videos and filling in the lyrics of your favorite songs: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, ...

Learn English With Songs

Video Listening song-based lessons and exercises for kids and English language learners, by popular artists such as Lady Gaga, Madonna, Amy Winehouse, ...


MorevideosonYouTube·7.ShallowbyLadyGaga&BradleyCooper·8.NewRulesbyDuaLipa·9.LoveYourselfbyJustinBieber.For ...,Astep-by-stepguidetolearningEnglishwithsongs·1.Chooseasongthat'sinEnglish·2.Listentothesong·3.Readthelyrics·4.Noticepronunciation.,DiscoveranewandfunwaytolearnEnglishandotherlanguagesbyfillinginthelyricsofyourfavoritesongs.,Songsareagreatsourceof'real-life'languageandyoucanusemusi...

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具
